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主   题:   anonymous    意向: 意见建议





  时  间:2023-05-18 16:20:54    姓名:anonymous    邮件    主页    IP:

主   题:   anonymous    意向: 意见建议




  时  间:2023-05-18 16:14:36    姓名:anonymous    邮件    主页    IP:

主   题:   anonymous    意向: 意见建议




  时  间:2023-05-18 16:13:33    姓名:anonymous    邮件    主页    IP:

主   题:   anonymous    意向: 意见建议

Lack of internet access or restrictions imposed
by correctional facilities
can prevent them from logging into their accounts.
7. Relocation or travel: Users who relocate or embark on long-term travel
may face challenges in accessing their accounts
due to changes in internet availability,
language barriers, or limited access to personal devices.
8. Changes in internet accessibility: Users living in regions with limited internet connectivity
or facing economic constraints may experience challenges
accessing their accounts due to unreliable
or restricted internet access.
9. Natural disasters or emergencies: Users affected by natural disasters, such as hurricanes,
earthquakes, or floods, or those caught in
emergency situations may be unable to access
their accounts due to power outages, infrastructure damage,
or prioritizing immediate safety and well-being.
10. Legal or regulatory restrictions: Users may face legal or regulatory restrictions
that prevent them from accessing specific platforms or online services.
These restrictions can vary by country, jurisdiction,
or individual circumstances.

So much for "don't be evil".
Same for other companies such as Imgur.
Totally inconsiderate of the
variable of sudden flunctuations
in human life.
Just imagine.
You spend your lifetime growing up,
from a baby,
to a children,
to a teenager, to an adult,

while coasting towards old age and towards a mortal end.

all the while making your moments on the internet

through posting things like blog,
video, posts, photo,
games and so on

They can be happy things, or saddest moments.

But each things you've willingly put on the net like Blogger and YouTube,

when summed together

represents your legacy you left
to the whole world,
and perhaps the universe

Eventually you pass away, your body turned to ashes,

whether by fire, ice, ground, or so on.

Could your IRL belongings outlast you?

Well, perhaps,

but not really for long.

Your stuff, like your childhood toy, electronics, up to vehicles,

might survive and pass on to your children

but that's not a sure guarantee

for those could get destroyed by mishaps

like fires, floods, earthquakes, and et cetera

If you don't plan having children,

the best shot is a museum

with the caveat that you have
to work as hard as you can

in order to become part of the top
and be cherished by as many as possible.

But, in IRL, on this planet, space is so finite

Eventually museums have to "deaccession" what you left behind

to make way for others.

Same goes to your house,
your farmland and other fixed properties,

which either for best or for worst,
be taken as an eminent domain by governments,

and one day, they might be demolished to make place for new structures.

So, with commonly accessible space travel
still out in the near future,

what else?

Unlike IRL, as this one puts it,

the digital world offers a lot of possibilities

with the very grain being freedom, openness, and permanence of information

Out there, you can store the entire Library of Congress
to the tip of your fingernail

making it far easier for you and anyone else to flourish in posterity.

Thus, it is the last line of defense and bastion

for which your legacies can live unfettered

until far, far, far, in the future

the literal end of time when all molecules and atoms

have decayed into dust.

But now,
because of the
shortsighted goofball decisions

Whatever you've achieved,
whatever you've done

whatever you've experienced,

whatever you've survived,

From the time you're babies
when you have to cry for food or anything

to the time you're childrens

when you play, when you learn to walk,

when you learn to interact, when you learn to eat,

when you learn to run, when you learn to write,

when you learn to count, when you learn to know the places.

as you grow into a teenager, you'll invariably learn

how to fullfill these and that obligations

it could be homeworks, it could be as small as promises

besides, you also learn how to behave

this can come off as the hardest parts of some

some could fall, but some can rise again

you learn how to deal with bad classmates,
and sometimes bad teachers

Perhaps, at this point

most of us are starting to
learn how to access the internet,

to experience the wider world, likely for the first time.

While some may do it earlier,
this is when legacies starts to beleft online

as you grow into an adult

the process becomes harder

life starts to become less carefree

subjects like sciences, maths, and languages

becomes much harder and harder

sine, cos and tangent

makes what you're taught earlier

looks like cakewalk

in turn, there are integrations, differentations

and so many calculus stuff

perhaps you'll get your first kiss at this point

or you learn how to drive for the very first time.

Nevertheless, you become eager to
venture further and further

as you pass 18 and into adulthood

you get to learn even more new stuff that amazes you

whether in colleges, universities, and so on

you start to learn how to really interact with others

you start to learn how to prepare for the actual real world

you start to learn how to manage your budgets

you start to learn how to pay your taxes

you start to learn how to buy manage your house(s)

you start to learn more life skills

as you go on and on,
from young adult to retirement

you know how to deal with intricacies

like your boss, customers, and audiences

life goes on, but it's quite unpredictable.

one small misstep, means a one giant leap towards disaster

You could make a right choice, or a wrong choice

Each shaped a cheerier and downbeat aspects

of your life respectively.

When you're past retirement and into old age.

Your mortal coil begins to falter.

Illnesses upon illnesses, falling upon you,

making you unable to live as before

If you're lucky, you could feel prosperous
and fulfilled until the very end

but if you're unlucky, the ending have occurred long ago.

Your legacies, aka what makes you meaningful,

which is the sum of what you've seen

what you've made, what you've felt,

what you've fought for or against,

what you've experienced, pretty much everything else

will one day, be destroyed

as if you've lived for nothing, at all

as if everything about you,
have been sucked into a black donut.

It's not just any ordinary Dunkin Donuts that you eat or so,

rather, it's this

Everything, everywhere,
all at once being sucked into this bagel donut

The end! Period!

Nothing matters!

Cry now!

But, if and as you cry,

invariably you will realize that

perhaps it'd be better to
derive an iota of meaning

from your life to those around you, up till the whole universe

perhaps the multiverse, maybe.

than none at all

The meaning of "none at all"
could encompass letting your legacies

be sucked into the black bagel, rather than letting these flourish,

until the very, very end of time.

Well, well, well

The black bagel can still get
you if you for some reason

have to stay away from your digital world

such as protect your homeland like Ukrainians do now

getting hit by a car, a bullet from some crazy wacko during a mass shooting spree

or get jumped so much that you're unconscious for many years

or, you get trumped up charges
because witnesses think you are the perp

so much that you're falsely jailed

until you're cleared many years later

After all, Anonymous knows that a Malaysian girl

where she followed all the traffic rules

but was wrongly imprisoned because some teenagers

made the very reckless choices of racing on the roads

and hit her car.

Like we said, she was (wrongfully)
jailed for many years

juggling on appeals

until she was finally cleared.

Ultimately, it goes much more than you expect,

in that the point of this is to try to made the experiences

of those who might be the target of the harsh inactivity accounts purge

to be less suck-y as possible.

Therefore, Anonymous urges Google to drop its decision to purge inactive accounts.
At the very minimum, only, and only accounts which is abandoned for many years
quickly after creation should be purged
Taking in consideration of Google's announced rationale,
here are some suggestions for Google,
in terms of middle-ground or more moderate alternatives,
instead of purging entire accounts:

1. Throttling/restriction of Gmail's sending and receipt function after a period of inactivity,
while clearing out its email contents.
If the owner logs back in and want to "thaw" it,
he can either verify a phone number,
pay a one-time fee, or et cetera.

2. Depreciation and banning of using certain "public disposable emails" such as Mailinator as the recovery email address.
Those kind of accounts
are the low hanging fruit for an account theft and subsequent abuse.

3. Give every user an unique alphanumeric string. Once their accounts gone inactive,
lock its functionality rather than deleting it altogether. To thaw it,
they have either provide the string or wait
for an arbitrarily variable amount of time
for it to fully thaw itself.
The latter is a "hostile engineering" principle
to deter re-purposing into spam-sending accounts and so on as much as possible.
4. Throttling of some certain functions for users
who haven't enrolled into 2FA (excluding phone based) authentication
Give perks such as bigger video upload limit and lenient sending limit to those who has enabled 2FA authentication.

Ultimately, you can lead a horse to a river, but you can't make it drink.
The side effects of going ahead with the harsh account purges
aren't going to be limited by the destruction of histories;
it will spawn the rise of niche type services
offering to manually log on to accounts
to keep it safe from purges. But what will happen if these services,
or rather its individual constituents are compromised or hacked?
You are back to the square one, to the same starting point, period.

Anonymous also calls for Google to:

1. Implement a Facebook-style memorialization function for Google/YouTube accounts
whose owners have passed away.

2. Create a function to merge two accounts together.
For instance, the first Gmail account can continue to use the second's email address as an alias after merging.

to the rest of the citizens of the world (including us),
Anonymous wants to made these suggestions crystal clear:
1. Initiation of a massive and sustained movement to support and uphold the preservation of histories, including digital. It will not be limited to myopic short term views and insights. It will be more than just protesting in the streets calling on Google and/or Imgur and/or other tech giants to reconsider and/or drop the decisions amounting to the destruction of internet histories. It will be multidisciplinary, ranging from the research of future ultracompact storage technologies, to scouting the best locations for housing archival facilities, whether on Earth or beyond. It will combine the best of existing, smaller movements or organizations such as the Internet Archive and so many others. This isn't going to be easy, but it's going to be hard, but there should be a try on that, particularly given that the Doomsday Clock is just 90 seconds until midnight.

2. In conjunction or separate from above,
a movement to support the incorporation of thanatosensitivity
into the core aspects and principles of internet platforms,
particularly social media platforms.
With these in mind, it has been noted that data-privacy laws like EU's GDPR
is the cause of over-correction
from companies by favouring deletion over preservation.
One possible remedy is the call for amendment
of GDPR et all to include
the data subject's right of preservation,
or right to be remembered, or so on.
Ideally the proposed right should be in harmony with other rights as enshrined in GDPR-type laws as much as possible.

3. As Google et al has grown into de-facto utilities these days,
there may be an overarching need to treat and recognize them as such.
In turn it might be instrumental if mistakes
in the form of Geocities and Yahoo Answers destruction are to be prevented.
After all, if Wikipedia fails, because of financial cancers, dysfunctional community or so,
at least there's going to be a Justapedia, an Encycla, and a Botipedia,
as Wikipedia's contents are freely redistributed.
Perhaps Wikipedia is destined to fail anyways
because little birds told us of a scandal
that a sysop is a likely chomo,
and that a journalist has found it but was stonewalled from publication.
YouTube, on the other hand, is where you can't really freely archive
their videos because some videos have copyright licenses
mandating that it stays on YouTube only.
There is indeed a gray area for fair use
but that exemption doesn't really protect you nowadays everytime.
Bad isn't it?

We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forget
We do not forgive
Expect us!


  时  间:2023-05-18 16:11:34    姓名:anonymous    邮件    主页    IP:

主   题:   anonymous    意向: 意见建议



  时  间:2023-05-18 16:10:32    姓名:anonymous    邮件    主页    IP:

主   题:   anonymous    意向: 意见建议



  时  间:2023-05-18 16:09:43    姓名:anonymous    邮件    主页    IP:

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